Heathers (1989)

Heathers (1989)

Release Date : Mar. 31, 1989 | Rating ★★★★★★★
Details : A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the in crowd of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics: by killing the popular kids.
Duration : 1 Hour 43 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Winona Ryder as Veronica Sawyer

Christian Slater as Jason J.D. Dean

Shannen Doherty as Heather Duke

Lisanne Falk as Heather McNamara

Kim Walker as Heather Chandler

Penelope Milford as Pauline Fleming

Glenn Shadix as Vater Ripper

Jennifer Rhodes as Veronica's Mom

Jeremy Applegate as Peter Dawson

Patrick Labyorteaux as Ram Sweeney

Phill Lewis as Dennis

John Zarchen as Country Club Keith

Lance Fenton as Kurt Kelly | Jon Matthews as Rodney | Carrie Lynn as Martha Dunnstock / Dumptruck | Renée Estevez as Betty Finn | William Cort as Veronica's Dad | John Ingle as Principal Gowan | Stuart Mabray as Counselor Paul Hyde | Sherrie Wills as Country Club Courtney | Larry Cox as David | Kent Stoddard as Brad | Mark Carlton as Kurt's Dad | Curtiss Marlowe as Geek | Andrew Benne as Fat Cynic | Kevin Hardesty as 1st Heavy Metaller in Pkg. Lot | Josh Richman as 2nd Heavy Metaller in Pkg. Lot | Bess Meyer as Female Stoner | Betty Ramey as Teacher in Conference Room | Aaron Mendelsohn as Nerd in Pauline's Class | Kirk Scott as Big Bud Dean | Mark Bringelson as Officer McCord | Chuck Lafont as Officer Milner | Christie Mellor as Squealing Girl in Parking Lot | James 'Poorman' Trenton as 'Hot Probs' D.J | Adrian Drake as Gruff Teacher | Producer  : Denise Di Novi | Director  : Michael Lehmann |